ISTO Members Are Highly Satisfied

Each year, ISTO, with the help of a professional third party, issues its annual satisfaction survey to member programs. The survey has three primary objectives:

  1. To measure the ongoing satisfaction of ISTO Programs
  2. To serve as an engagement vehicle for Programs  to provide feedback on support, systems, tools, processes, etc. and their wants and needs for ISTO to integrate into future support/offerings
  3. To assess and maintain ISTO’s competitive positioning benchmarked against the Association Management landscape.

In the chart below, the results from the annual survey shows ISTO’s better than industry average ranking of customer satisfaction.

What Sets ISTO Apart

  • ISTO provides rapid formation of new alliances (order of weeks) as US-based legal entities, under our IRS 501(c)(6) not for profit status.
  • Our templates for alliance formation (e.g., bylaws, membership agreements, governance structures, member structures) avoid the need for alliance to create these critical documents from scratch, saving time and money.
  • Our affiliation with the IEEE enables members to access IEEE resources and capabilities (e.g., conferences, publications, rapid standards adoption).
  • We have a 96% customer satisfaction among industry trade associations, one of the highest such rankings based upon an independent consultant benchmarking.
  • We have over 20 years of experience supporting industry alliances, and our experienced staff enables us to consistently exceed alliance expectations and allows alliance members to focus on their core technology and business objectives.


The Zhaga Consortium is addressing requirements from an industry going through a major transformation and which is characterized by rapid cycles of innovation. To conduct our technical activities effectively and efficiently, it is important that we can partner up with a knowledgeable and trustworthy partner. IEEE-ISTO takes care of member management and financial governance, and does so in a professional, agile and pro-active manner. As our member companies are relieved from operational concerns, they can focus on developing technology solutions that bring value to the fast-moving lighting industry.

Musa Unmehopa - Secretary General, , Zhaga Consortium

We were looking for an option that would allow our members to quickly start on the technical work. By joining IEEE-ISTO, we did not have to worry about issues, such as legal incorporation, or carrying a large overhead, that accompany creating a consortium. IEEE-ISTO support staff is easy to work with and is very effective at keeping track of our day-to-day finances and operations allowing our members to concentrate on developing the specifications, and on developing their businesses.

Menno Treffers - Chair,, Wireless Power Consortium
AJ Vigil headshot

When I approached IEEE-ISTO, less than two years ago, about supporting a consortium to publicly manage a Digital IF protocol standard, I had high hopes and strong expectations. Your folks have really delivered. I remember reading their case studies on the IEEE-ISTO website, I remember registering “months” from formation to initial standardization. They didn’t make any promises, but they did it. IEEE-ISTO delivered and then some. In little over a year, we have clear rules and bylaws, honest enforcement, dedicated leadership, regular meetings, regular progress, open opportunity for collaboration, and significant accomplishment. In a little over a year, we also have the quantity. We are up to over 50 members, covering all relevant areas of industry, and are on our second public release already of our interoperability standard. IEEE-ISTO has been a dream come true for me, for my DOD SATCOM customer, and for Digital IF. IEEE-ISTO, through its DIFI Consortium, remains instrumental to the migration of SATCOM Earth segment architectures, both commercial and government, from L-Band analog to Digital IF.

A.J. Vigil, DOD SATCOM Subject Matter Expert on Digital IF

We were looking for a professional service company with experience in technology standardization and discovered that IEEE-ISTO possessed the complete skillset we required.  Since we began working with IEEE-ISTO, MIPI Alliance has grown and provides the necessary tools and support for delivering essential specifications to the mobile industry.  Working with IEEE-ISTO enables you to concentrate your efforts on the work at hand and to be more efficient and creative.

Joel Huloux - Chair, MIPI Alliance