A Look Back: The Evolution and Impact of ATM Networks

Contributed by Bill Narin, Global Business Development, IEEE-ISTO We owe the convenience most of us take for granted when we use automated teller machines to a half century of technology innovations and to the efforts of the many banking industry alliances that formed to promote adoption of those innovations. When it comes to the creation and evolution of the ATM itself, [...]

2021-04-01T18:15:10+00:00March 24th, 2021|ISTO Blog, Resources|

The Dos and Don’ts for a Not-for-Profit Alliance Board of Directors

Oftentimes in forming an industry collective such as a not-for-profit alliance or consortium, your Founders will comprise your initial governing entity. Governing entities can take the form of a Board of Directors, a Steering Committee, a Steering Group or so forth. And your governing body will schedule meetings, prepare agendas, vote on initiatives and lead your organization. However, did you know [...]

2020-10-20T20:08:38+00:00October 20th, 2020|ISTO Blog|

To Incorporate Or Not to Incorporate…That is the Question!

by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations Step One: The Collaboration Concept Today’s need to deliver continuous innovation in global markets has most high-technology companies understanding the benefits of forming strategic not-for-profit alliances to provide product/technology solutions. Through a membership structure of ecosystem members, industry collectives generate significant benefits for members like: a) Extending product lines and portfolios b) Influencing standardized [...]

2020-09-29T19:17:15+00:00July 13th, 2020|ISTO Blog|

The IEEE SA Corporate Program: Engaging Industry in Standards Development

by Robby Simpson, PhD, System Architect, GE’s Grid Solutions and IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group Chair In the world of standards development, there exist a variety of participation methods. Some utilize the individual method, where each participant represents, acts, and votes on behalf of themselves. Others utilize a nation-state method, where each nation is a participant and representation and voting occur [...]

2020-06-19T12:34:03+00:00June 19th, 2020|ISTO Blog|

3 Reasons Why Member Satisfaction is Important to ISTO

ISTO conducts yearly satisfaction surveys to hear how we are doing, where we can improve, and identify new needs of our member programs. ISTO’s commitment to member satisfaction is realized in our 96% average rating from our member programs over the past 6 years*--well above the overall trade association average of 80%. Here are the top 3 reasons why we strive [...]

2020-04-28T17:51:50+00:00April 24th, 2020|ISTO Blog|
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