Top 5 Ways a Consortia Can Generate Non-Dues Revenue

August 26th, 2024|

For consortia, generating non-dues (i.e., membership fees paid by members of a consortium) revenue can be a helpful resource to supplement growth and sustainability. Relying solely on membership dues can limit a consortium’s potential, but [...]

Top 5 Reasons Why Technical Alliances Outsource

July 25th, 2024|

When it comes to consortia or association management, outsourcing administration and operations can offer several advantages. In our experience, here are the top five reasons why consortia thrive when they partner with organizations like IEEE-ISTO: [...]

ISTO Helps to Safeguard Program Members from Risk

June 18th, 2024|

In today’s interconnected business landscape, technology consortia play a crucial role in shaping industry standards, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation. However, managing a technology alliance or consortium involves inherent risks. Outsourcing the management and operational [...]

Five Reasons Consortia Thrive with IEEE-ISTO

April 15th, 2024|

Five Reasons Consortia Thrive with IEEE-ISTO In the dynamic landscape of technology and innovation, consortia play a pivotal role in driving collaboration that enables faster market acceptance of new products and technologies. Among the facilitators [...]