IMPALA article featured in IEEE Spectrum Magazine
Big Data Could Accelerate Drug Approvals Roche and other pharmaceutical companies work together to streamline the QA process KATHY PRETZ 14 FEB 2023 It can take up to 15 years to get a new drug [...]
The Art of Stakeholdering: A Critical Prerequisite to Successful Collaborations
by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations We all know what a “stakeholder” is. Generally, it’s someone with an interest in the activity and/or decisions of an organization (think holding a stake in something). [...]
Congratulations ISTO’s Jessica O’Hanlon
The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) has announced that Jessica O'Hanlon, CAE, a Senior Program Manager at IEEE-ISTO, has earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE®) designation. The CAE is the highest professional credential in [...]
IAN…the Path to IEEE Standardization for Today’s Industry Consortia
by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations, ISTO As a federation of member programs consisting of consortia, alliances, and trade groups, ISTO offers world class support for collectives involved in standardizing technical solutions which aim [...]
The Origins of the First Global Telecommunications Standards
Contributed by Bill Rubin, Senior Manager ISTO Every generation gets to interpret its history and technology advances. In the realm of technology, our current generation(s) see the Internet as one of the more transformational technologies [...]
ISTO’s LaSAR Alliance article featured in IEEE Spectrum Magazine
Tiny Lasers Could Finally Bring Us Really Smart AR Glasses Post–Google Glass, a new alliance says it has the winning tech When Google Glass debuted almost a decade ago, augmented reality (AR) wearables seemed poised [...]
Recognizing Three Program Milestones: OpenCAPI, Zhaga and PWG
ISTO would like to formally congratulate the following programs for their continued success and efforts to develop technologies that remain current/relevant in today’s world. OpenCAPI Consortium – Cheers to 5 Years The OpenCAPI Consortium continues [...]
How Keyboard Shortcuts for Cut, Copy, and Paste Became Standards
Contributed by Bill Narin, Global Business Development, IEEE-ISTO Hundreds of millions—perhaps billions—of users around the world have the keystrokes command/control x, c, and v encoded in their muscle memories to perform cut, copy and paste [...]
There are Standards…and There are Standards
Contributed by Bill Rubin, Senior Manager ISTO The benefit of standards for developing products and processes across industries is well understood. Wikipedia ( defines a Technical Standard as an established norm or requirement for a repeatable technical task. It [...]
Hybrid Meetings that Work: Tips for Your Successful Event
by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations, ISTO Industry events that combine LIVE and digital components for in-person and remote audiences are what we now call the “Hybrid Meeting” or “Hybrid Event.” And while Hybrid [...]
A Look Back: The Evolution and Impact of ATM Networks
Contributed by Bill Narin, Global Business Development, IEEE-ISTO We owe the convenience most of us take for granted when we use automated teller machines to a half century of technology innovations and to the efforts [...]
The Dos and Don’ts for a Not-for-Profit Alliance Board of Directors
Oftentimes in forming an industry collective such as a not-for-profit alliance or consortium, your Founders will comprise your initial governing entity. Governing entities can take the form of a Board of Directors, a Steering Committee, [...]
To Incorporate Or Not to Incorporate…That is the Question!
by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations Step One: The Collaboration Concept Today’s need to deliver continuous innovation in global markets has most high-technology companies understanding the benefits of forming strategic not-for-profit alliances to provide [...]
The IEEE SA Corporate Program: Engaging Industry in Standards Development
by Robby Simpson, PhD, System Architect, GE’s Grid Solutions and IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group Chair In the world of standards development, there exist a variety of participation methods. Some utilize the individual method, where [...]
3 Reasons Why Member Satisfaction is Important to ISTO
ISTO conducts yearly satisfaction surveys to hear how we are doing, where we can improve, and identify new needs of our member programs. ISTO’s commitment to member satisfaction is realized in our 96% average rating [...]