There are Standards…and There are Standards

May 13th, 2021|

Contributed by Bill Rubin, Senior Manager ISTO   The benefit of standards for developing products and processes across industries is well understood.  Wikipedia ( defines a Technical Standard  as an established norm or requirement for a repeatable technical task. It [...]

The Dos and Don’ts for a Not-for-Profit Alliance Board of Directors

October 20th, 2020|

Oftentimes in forming an industry collective such as a not-for-profit alliance or consortium, your Founders will comprise your initial governing entity. Governing entities can take the form of a Board of Directors, a Steering Committee, [...]

To Incorporate Or Not to Incorporate…That is the Question!

July 13th, 2020|

by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations Step One: The Collaboration Concept Today’s need to deliver continuous innovation in global markets has most high-technology companies understanding the benefits of forming strategic not-for-profit alliances to provide [...]

Alliance Building for Open Source Solutions

December 16th, 2019|

by Michelle Hunt, Director, Alliance Management Operations - ISTO While there is a notable increase in the development of open source (OS) technical solutions, there sometimes can also be misunderstanding and/or confusion relating to what [...]

Key Points for Starting, Building and Strengthening Industry Alliances

August 7th, 2019|

It’s generally accepted that alliances play a key role in the development and advancement of new and emerging technologies and that there is notable value to be achieved through the formation of an alliance. That said, organizations are sometimes challenged to come up with a start-up strategy, as well as a plan for building and strengthening an alliance after its formation. Drawing upon past and current experiences, here are some key points to consider for creating and promoting the market acceptance of technology solutions through an alliance:

Ten Benefits of Forming an Industry Alliance

March 13th, 2019|

By Michelle Hunt, Director Alliance Management Operations, IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization Forming an industry alliance or any technology collective can sometimes seem overwhelming or be viewed as a tough challenge. But while there [...]